报告题目: Nonperturbative States in Quantum Field Theory
主 讲 人:Jarah Evslin教授
单 位:近代物理研究所
时 间:5月6日9:00-11:00
地 点:7号楼7204
摘 要: The states in a quantum field theory are elements of a Hilbert space. Inside of this Hilbert space is a subspace which is a graded vector space, consisting of states that can be constructed via perturbation theory. Solitons in classical field theory lift to quantum field theory, where they correspond to states that lie outside of this subspace and so they cannot be constructed using the usual perturbative approach. We explain that such states in fact populate another subspace which also admits a grading, and this grading allows for a new kind of perturbative construction of the states corresponding to solitons and their excitations.
简 介:Evslin教授予1997年获得美国加州理工大学(CalTech)数学、物理双学士学位,于2001年获得美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)理论物理博士学位,后在意大利比萨大学、布鲁塞尔自由大学及意大利SISSA等地进行博士后研究,现为中国科鱼虾蟹游戏
近代物理研究所研究员。Evslin教授在JHEP、Phys. Rev. D、Phys. Lett. B等杂志上发表文章百余篇,总引用量2887。Evslin教授研究领域广泛,包括弦理论、超对称理论、量子场论中的拓扑效应及中微子物理等,尤其在低维量子场论中的孤子解方面做出了开创性贡献。