报告题目:Numerical PDEs for Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Problems
主 讲 人:孙澎涛 教授
单 位:美国内华达大学
时 间:2024年6月19日 9:00
地 点:鱼虾蟹游戏
摘 要:The interaction of a flexible structure with a flowing fluid in which it is submersed or by which it is surrounded gives rise to a rich variety of physical phenomena with applications in many fields of engineering, named as fluid-structure interactions (FSI). To understand these phenomena, we need to find an effective way to model and simulate both fluid and structure, simultaneously, by investigating the interaction between them. In general, FSI problems require the fluid and the structure fields at the common interface to share not only the same velocity but also the common traction force. There are currently several major approaches classified with respect to the numerical treatment how the interface conditions of FSI are dealt with on the moving interface. In my talk, I will introduce three numerical techniques studied in my research for solving FSI problems: (1) body-fitted mesh (arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) method, (2) body-unfitted mesh (fictitious domain) method, and (3) meshfree (deep neural network) method. Our applications to FSI problems range from hydrodynamics (physics) to hemodynamics (biology, physiology), in which the involved structures are either incompressible or compressible and bear a deformable and/or rotational constitutive relation while the surrounding fluid flow is incompressible or nearly incompressible. Some animation results will be shown in this talk to illustrate that the proposed and well analyzed numerical methods can produce high fidelity numerical results for realistic FSI problems in an efficient and accurate fashion.
简 介:Dr. Pengtao Sun is a Tenured Full Professor of Department of Mathematical Sciences in University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Dr. Sun obtained his PhD degree from Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997. Before joining University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2007, he worked as Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Associate and Assistant Professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Pennsylvania State University and Simon Fraser University. Dr Sun’s primary research fields are Numerical PDEs and Scientific & Engineering Computing with applications to miscellaneous multiphysics problems in the fields of solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, fuel cell dynamics, fluid-structure interactions, hemodynamics, electrohydrodynamics, and etc. Dr. Sun has been continuously supported by National Science Foundation, Simons Foundation and Faculty Opportunity Awards (UNLV) since 2008. He has published more than 100 academic articles on top journals. Dr. Sun was the recipient of Distinguished Researcher Award at College of Sciences, UNLV in 2016.