题 目:Categorical studies on Rota-Baxter algebras and differential algebras
主讲人:张世隆 副教授
单 位:西北农林科技大学
时 间:2024年7月11日 10:00-11:00
地 点:鱼虾蟹游戏
摘 要:In recent years, algebraic studies of the differential calculus and integral calculus in the forms of differential algebra and Rota–Baxter algebra have been merged together to reflect the close relationship between the two calculi through the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. In this project, we study this relationship from a categorical point of view in the context of distributive laws which can be tracked back to the distributive law of multiplication over addition.
简 介:张世隆,男,汉族,河南荥阳人,西北农林科技大学副教授。2018年6月获兰州大学鱼虾蟹游戏
理学博士学位。2016年8月至2017年8月在美国罗格斯大学访学。主要从事罗巴代数、微分代数和范畴论研究,已发表SCI论文6 篇,主持陕西省自然科学基金1项。