题 目:Inner radius of a Finsler measure space with boundary
报告人:莫小欢 教授
单 位:北京大学
时 间:2024年9月5日10:00
地 点:鱼虾蟹游戏
摘 要:First we determine the inner radius and the diameter of Z. Shen's Finsler cylinder with vanishing flag curvature K=0 and vanishing S-curvature S=0 in this lecture. Secondary, we give an estimate of the upper bound of the inner radius for a complete Finsler measure space (M,F,dμ) of weighted Ricci curvature bounded from below, in terms of the dμ-mean curvature bound of the boundary. Thirdly, we prove the rigidity result that when the boundary is compact, the upper bound is achieved if and only if M is isometric to a forward Finsler geodesic ball of vanishing radical flag curvature.
简 介: 莫小欢,从2008年起任北京大学2级教授,长期从事几何学的研究工作和教学工作。主要研究兴趣是黎曼-芬斯勒几何学和几何变分学。先后应邀前往休思墩大学、麻省理工鱼虾蟹游戏