题 目:Batalin-Vilkovisky operator of a twisted Jacobi manifold
主讲人:程家豪 讲师
单 位:南昌航空大学
时 间:2024年11月9日 15:00
地 点:数鱼虾蟹游戏
摘 要:The notation of twisted Jacobi manifold generalizes both the notations of Jacobi manifold and twisted Poisson manifold. Vaisman constructed the Batalin–Vilkovisky algebra of a Jacobi manifold whose underlying line bundle is trivial. In this talk we study twisted Jacobi manifolds whose underlying line bundles are not necessarily trivial. We explore the construction of Batalin–Vilkovisky operator and modular class of a twisted Jacobi manifold.
简 介:程家豪,现任南昌航空大学讲师;北京大学理学博士;研究方向是代数学与数学物理。