题 目:Additive categorification of cluster algebra with coefficients
单 位:中国科学技术大学
时 间:2025年1月7日 9:00
地 点:数鱼虾蟹游戏
摘 要:Cluster categories were introduced in 2006 by Buan-Marsh-Reineke-Reiten-Todorov in order to categorify acyclic cluster algebras without coefficients. Their construction was generalized by Amiot and Plamondon to arbitrary cluster algebras associated with quivers (2009 and 2011). A higher dimensional generalization is due to Guo (2011). Cluster algebras with coefficients are important since they appear in nature as coordinate algebras of varieties like Grassmannians, double Bruhat cells, unipotent cells,.... The work of Geiss-Leclerc-Schröer often yields Frobenius exact categories which allow to categorify such cluster algebras. In this talk, we will present the construction of the Higgs category (generalizing GLS'Frobenius categories E) and of the relative cluster category (generalizing the derived category of E) by using Ginzburg morphism which carries a canonical relative left 3-Calabi-Yau structure。
简 介:吴燚林 中国科学技术大学博士后, 2022年博士毕业于巴黎西岱大学(原巴黎七大)和华东师范大学,研究领域为丛代数和丛范畴及丛代数的范畴化。