报告题目: Fiber orientation distribution estimation using a Peaceman-Rachford splitting metho
摘要: n diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, the estimation of the orientations of multiple nerve fibers in each voxel (the fiber orientation distribution (FOD)) is a critical issue for exploring the connection of cerebral tissue. In this paper, we establish a convex semidefinite programming (CSDP) model for the FOD estimation. One feature of this new model is that it can ensure the statistical meaning of FOD. As a probability density function, FOD must be nonnegative and have a unit mass. To construct such a statistically meaningful FOD, we approximate it by a sum of squares (SOS) polynomial and impose the unitmass by a linear constraint. Another feature of the new model is that it combines the sparsity of nerve fibers. Due to the sparsity of the orientations of nerve fibers in cerebral white matter, we raise a new heuristic regularization, which is inspired by the Zeigenvalue of a symmetric tensor that closely relates to the SOS polynomial. To solve the CSDP efficiently, we propose a new Peaceman-Rachford splitting method and prove its global convergence. Numerical experiments on synthetic data show that the new approach gives a more accurate estimation of fiber orientations, and in real-world human brain study, the contour profiles of fibers reconstructed by the novel approach coincide with the results in neuroanatomy. 。
数学与系统科学研究院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所所长助理。他还担任《ITOR》、《Science in China: Mathematics》、《APJOR》、《JSSC》、《JORC》等多个杂志编委。