报告人: 朱文兴教授
工作单位: 福州大学
报告时间: 6月19日上午10:00
报告地点: 鱼虾蟹游戏
In this talk, I shall introduce the background of Electronic Design Automation of VLSI Integrated Circuit. Then I shall introduce our work on legalization of mixed-cell-height circuit designs. Modern circuit designs often contain standard cells of different row heights to meet various design requirements. Multi-row-height standard cells incur challenging issues to layout designs, especially the mixed-cell-height legalization problem due to the heterogeneous cell structures. Honoring the good cell positions from global placement, we present a fast and near-optimal algorithm to solve the legalization problem. Fixing the cell ordering from global placement and relaxing the right boundary constraints, we first convert the problem into a linear complementarity problem (LCP). With the converted LCP, we split its matrices to meet the convergence requirement of a modulus-based matrix splitting iteration method (MMSIM), and then apply the MMSIM to solve the LCP. This MMSIM method guarantees the optimality if no cells are placed beyond the right boundary of a chip. Finally, a Tetris-like allocation approach is used to align cells to placement sites on rows and fix the placement of out-of-right-boundary cells, if any. Experimental results show that our proposed algorithm can achieve the best cell displacement and wirelength among all published methods in reasonable runtimes.
朱文兴,福州大学离散数学与理论计算机科学研究中心教授,福建省第三批百千万工程领军人才、福州大学“嘉锡学者”特聘教授。主要从事超大规模集成电路电子设计自动化的数学方法和组合最优化研究,主持承担了多项国家自然科学基金项目,作为骨干成员参与承担了2项国家“973”项目课题和3项国家自然科学基金重点项目,在INFORMS Journal on Computing、SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics、IEEE Transactions on Computers和IEEE Transactions on CAD等国内外重要学术期刊和国际专业顶级学术会议发表了系列研究论文。所设计的超大规模集成电路布局算法被认为是重要的创新,推动了集成电路布局算法的发展,并被誉为Fuzhou Placer。2017年获电子设计自动化国际顶级学术会议DAC’2017最佳论文奖,系该会54年来中国大陆首次以第一单位/第一作者获DAC最佳论文奖;2017年获集成电路计算机辅助设计国际顶尖学术会议ICCAD'2017学术竞赛冠军,系中国大陆在国际权威集成电路设计竞赛中首次获得冠军;2013年获福建省自然科学三等奖;2009年获国家教学成果二等奖。