报告人: 施小丁教授
单 位: 北京化工大学
讲学时间: 2018年8月9日上午:10:00-11:00
讲学地点: 数鱼虾蟹游戏
拟参加人员: 相关教师和相关专业研究生
摘 要: In this talk, we consider the Cauchy problem of partial differential equations for viscous barotropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows in two or three spatial
dimensions with vacuum as far field density. For two spatial dimensions, when the
smooth initial data are of small total energy, we establish the global existence and
uniqueness of strong solutions (which may be of possibly large oscillations). The
key tool is some new a priori decay rates (in large time) for the pressure and the
spatial gradients of both the velocity field and the magnetic field. Moreover, for
three spatial dimensions case, some decay rates (in large time) are also obtained
for the global strong solutions.