报告题目: Long-time dynamics of some diffusive epidemic models with free boundaries
摘要:We consider the long-time dynamics of two epidemic models with free boundaries, one with local diffusion and the other with nonlocal diffusion. We show that both models are well-posed, and their long-time dynamical behaviours are characterized by a spreading-vanishing dichotomy. When spreading persists, we also determine the spreading speed. For the local diffusion model, we show that the spreading speed is always finite, determined by an associated semi-wave problem. For the nonlocal diffusion model, a threshold condition is found in terms of the kernel functions appearing in the nonlocal diffusion terms, such that the spreading speed is finite precisely when this condition is satisfied; when this condition is not satisfied, we show that the spreading speed is infinite, namely accelerated spreading happens. This talk is based on joint works with Professor Yihong Du as well as ongoing work with both Prof. Du and Dr. Wenjie Ni.
简介:王蓉,2022年获得新英格兰大学(University of New England)数学博士学位,师从澳大利亚科鱼虾蟹游戏
院士杜一宏教授。现为澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University)数学系博士后。主要研究方向为反应扩散方程与自由边界问题解的长时间行为。在Journal of Differential Equations, DCDS等国际期刊上发表论文多篇。