报告题目:Incompressible impinging jet flow with gravity
摘要:In this talk, we will discuss some well-posedness results on the steady two-dimensional free-surface flows of an inviscid and incompressible fluid emerging from a nozzle, falling under gravity and impinging onto a horizontal wall. More precisely, for any given atmosphere pressure and any appropriate incoming total flux, we establish the existence of two-dimensional incompressible impinging jet with gravity. The two free surfaces initiate smoothly at the endpoints of the nozzle and become to be horizontal in downstream. By transforming the free boundary problem into a minimum problem, we establish the properties of the flow region and the free boundaries. Moreover, the asymptotic behavior of the impinging jet in upstream and downstream is also obtained.
教授、博士生导师。2013年本科毕业于河南大学,2019年博士毕业于四川大学,2019年至2020年香港中文大学数学科学研究所博士后。主要从事非线性偏微分方程的研究工作,研究方向为椭圆方程的Bernoulli型自由边界问题和定常理想流体的自由流线问题,在Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.、Trans. AMS、Calc. Var. PDEs、Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.、Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire、SIAM、JDE等发表论文10余篇。入选2021年度国家高层次人才计划青年学者,主持2022年度国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目。