Instantons, Holography, Strong Interactions and Nuclear Physics Conference 2023 at Henan University
This conference aims at bringing together people from various areas of physics to learn new methods, get new inspiration and finding new interesting problems to work on. Low energy physics has faced the problems of strong coupling in the QCD sector of the standard model, since the standard model was established as the correct fundamental theory of physics. Almost all nuclear physics models are phenomenological and data-driven and do not "know anything" about QCD, directly. Holographic methods have been developed in many groups in the past couple of decades, but often in parallel with nuclear physicists’ work with little communication between the communities. The chiral Lagrangian has a geometric description of nuclei in terms of Skyrmions, which are instantons in holographic models, like the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model and this approach, in principle, fixes all low-energy constants (LEC) in nuclear physics. An alternative and possibly equivalent way to fix the LECs is by assuming hidden local symmetry. The extraction of the nucleon-nucleon potential from such a model has been nontrivial and has only been done successfully very recently. Hopefully, this conference will provide an atmosphere for discussion of many topics, and lead to new ideas and methods.
二楼会议室 |
时 间 |
报 告 人 |
报 告 题 目 |
6月9日 星期五 |
09:00-10:00 |
开幕式 |
10:10-11:10 |
田 雨 中国科鱼虾蟹游戏
大学 |
First order phase transition and dynamic critical phenomena in holography |
11:10-11:30 |
茶歇 |
11:30-12:30 |
张云龙 中国科鱼虾蟹游戏
国家天文台 |
Gravitational Holography and Bell Inequality |
14:00-15:00 |
张宏宝 北京师范大学 |
Covariant phase space and stability of charged fluid stars |
15:00-15:20 |
茶歇 |
15:20-16:20 |
Stefano Bolognesi 比萨大学 |
A class of strongly coupled chiral gauge theories |
16:30-17:30 |
Lorenzo Bartolini 河南大学 |
Neutron Stars and Isospin Asymmetric Nuclear Matter from Holography |
6月10日 星期六 |
09:00-12:00 |
自由讨论 |
14:00-15:00 |
巢静宜 江西师范大学 |
N-particle irreducible actions for stochastic fluids |
15:00-15:20 |
茶歇 |
15:20-15:50 |
Chris Halcrow 瑞典皇家理工鱼虾蟹游戏
Classical and quantum nucleon dynamics |
15:50-16:50 |
Josh Cork 英国莱斯特大学 |
ADHM skyrmions |
16:50-17:10 |
茶歇 |
17:10-18:00 |
Markus Amano 河南大学 |
Modes of the Sakai Sugimoto Soliton |
6月11日 星期日 |
08:00-09:00 |
自由讨论 |
09:00-10:00 |
林 凡 国科大杭州高等研究院 |
Baryons as Vortexes on the η' Domain Wall |
10:00-10:20 |
茶歇 |
10:20-11:20 |
张柏阳 河南大学 |
Cut-Off Kinks |
11:30-12:00 |
比亚科 河南大学 小结 |
田 雨 中国科鱼虾蟹游戏
Title: First order phase transition and dynamic critical phenomena in holography
Abstract: First order phase transitions are very common phenomena in our real world. In this talk, I will introduce a universal physical picture of first order phase transitions, which can be most clearly seen from holography (applied AdS/CFT). This picture can be made precise by the so-called landscape, from which we can understand why critical behaviors are ubiquitous in systems with first order phase transitions, where the inhomogeneous cases are of special interest.
张云龙 中国科鱼虾蟹游戏
Title: Gravitational Holography and Bell Inequality
Abstract:We construct the CHSH (Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt) form of Bell inequality, and find that its violation can also be implemented in the holographic model of EPR (Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen) pair. The holographic Schwinger–Keldysh correlators are used to denote the correlators in Bell inequality. [Phys.Lett.B 791 (2019) 73-79]
张宏宝 北京师范大学
Title: Covariant phase space and stability of charged fluid stars
Abstract: Covariant phase space formalism plays a complementary role in addressing the quantum dynamics. In this talk, I will demonstrate its application in classical physics by establishing the criterion for both dynamic and thermodynamic stability of charged perfect fluid stars. To this end, I will introduce the Lagrangian description of Einstein-Maxwell-charged fluid system and the concept of canonical energy, etc. I will end my talk with some discussions.
Stefano Bolognesi 意大利比萨大学
Title: A class of strongly coupled chiral gauge theories
Abstract: We study the dynamics of SU(N) chiral gauge theories with massless fermions belonging to various combinations of the symmetric, antisymmetric or fundamental representations. We limit ourselves to the gauge-anomaly-free and asymptotically free systems. 't Hooft anomaly-matching conditions severely limit the possible RG flows. In vectorlike theories such as the quantum chromodynamics, gauge-invariant ``quark-antiquark" condensates form and characterize the IR dynamics, and the anomaly matching involves the Nambu-Goldstone bosons. In some other special cases, such as the Bars-Yankielowicz (BY) or Georgi-Glashow (GG) models, a hypothetical solution was proposed in the literature, with no global symmetry breaking and with some simple set of composite massless fermions saturating all the anomalies. For the BY and GG systems, actually, a more plausible candidate for their IR physics is the dynamical Higgs phase, with a few simple bi-fermion color-flavor locked condensates.
Lorenzo Bartolini 河南大学
Title: Neutron Stars and Isospin Asymmetric Nuclear Matter from Holography
Abstract: Description of nuclear matter in the core of neutron stars eludes the main tools of investigation of QCD, such as perturbation theory and the lattice formulation of the theory. Recently, the application of the holographic paradigm (both via top-down and bottom-up models) to this task has led to many encouraging results, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In this talk, we will present our approach to the description of neutron star cores, relying on a simple model of the (double) hard-wall type: we will discuss results concerning the nature of homogeneous nuclear matter at high density emerging from the model including a quarkyonic phase, the mass-radius relation for neutron stars, as well as the rather stiff equation of state we have found. Moreover, we introduce a "Skyrmion inspired" quantization scheme for the Isospin quantum number, and we employ it to compute the symmetry energy of dense nuclear matter in both the (double) Hard-wall and the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto models.
巢静宜 江西师范大学
Title: N-particle irreducible actions for stochastic fluids
Abstract: We present our work on constructing effective actions for stochastic fluid dynamics of a conserved density undergoing diffusive motion. We focus on the 1PI and 2PI actions, which we compute at one-loop and two-loop approximations, respectively. After solving the Schwinger-Dyson equations numerically for a non-critical fluid, we reveal that higher-loop effects lead to the renormalization of the non-linear coupling. In sum, our findings provide important insights into the behavior of conserved densities in stochastic fluid dynamics.
Chris Halcrow 瑞典皇家理工鱼虾蟹游戏
Title: Classical and quantum nucleon dynamics
Abstract: I will try to motivate some open problems about classical and quantum nucleon dynamics from holography. This is motivated by recent work describing nuclei as skyrmions generated from instantons.
Josh Cork 英国莱斯特大学
Title: ADHM skyrmions
Abstract: Finding a suitable space on which to model all skyrmion configurations is a long-standing problem in the Skyrme model. We propose, via the Atiyah-Manton construction, that the moduli space of ADHM data for instantons is such a space; it provides enough controlled degrees of freedom to describe coalesced highly-symmetric configurations, as well as skyrmion clusters and paths between configurations. In this talk I shall discuss the key methods involved in the construction of skyrmions from ADHM data, and showcase its versality and potential for application to studying nuclear systems in the Skyrme model.
Markus Amano 河南大学
Title: Modes of the Sakai Sugimoto Soliton
Abstract: The instanton in the Sakai-Sugimoto model corresponds to the Skyrmion on the holographic boundary - which is asymptotically flat - and is fundamentally different from the flat Minkowski space Yang-Mills instanton. We use the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem and a series of transformations to show that there are 6k zeromodes - or moduli - in the limit of infinite 't Hooft coupling of the Sakai-Sugimoto model. The implications for the low-energy baryons - the Skyrmions - on the holographic boundary, is a scale separation between 2k "heavy" massive modes and 6k-9 "light" massive modes for k>1 ; the 9 global transformations that correspond to translations, rotations and isorotations remain as zeromodes. For k=1 there are 2 "heavy" modes and 6 zeromodes due to degeneracy between rotations and isorotations.
林 凡 国科大杭州高等研究院
Title: Baryons as Vortexes on the η' Domain Wall
Abstract: We demonstrate that the recent construction of Nf=1 baryons on the η' domain wall can be understood as vortexes of the principal effective theory on a 2+1-dimensional sheet. Essentially, this effective theory is identified as a complex scalar with a Higgs-type potential that is minimally coupled with the Level-Nc Chern-Simons theory, namely the Chern-Simons-Higgs theory. This theory has a series of vertex solutions, and the basic vortex carries unit topological charge and naturally spins Nc/2 , which coincides with the one-flavor baryon. By virtue of the particle-vortex symmetry, the dual Zhang-Hansson-Kivelson theory indicates that the quark carrying 1/Nc topological charge and obeying fractional statistics. The generalization to arbitrary Nf is discussed.
张柏阳 河南大学
Title: Cut-Off Kinks
Abstract: We answer the question: If a vacuum sector Hamiltonian is regularized by an energy cutoff, how is the one-kink sector Hamiltonian regularized? We find that it is not regularized by an energy cutoff, indeed normal modes of all energies are present in the kink Hamiltonian, but rather the decomposition of the field into normal mode operators yields coefficients which lie on a constrained surface that forces them to become small for energies above the cutoff. This explains the old observation that an energy cutoff of the kink Hamiltonian leads to an incorrect one-loop kink mass. To arrive at our conclusion, we impose that the regularized kink sector Hamiltonian is unitarily equivalent to the regularized vacuum sector Hamiltonian. This condition implies that the two regularized Hamiltonians have the same spectrum and so guarantees that the kink Hamiltonian yields the correct kink mass.