办公室: 鱼虾蟹游戏 附一楼
2007.09-2010.07, 博士, 北京邮电大学, 信号与信息处理专业
2002.09-2005.07, 硕士, 河南大学, 应用数学专业
1998.09-2002.07, 学士, 河南大学, 数学教育专业
2021.05至今, 河南大学,鱼虾蟹游戏 , 教授
2013.01-2021.04, 河南大学,鱼虾蟹游戏 , 副教授
2008.07-2012.12, 河南大学,鱼虾蟹游戏 ,讲师
2005.07-2008.06,河南大学, 鱼虾蟹游戏 ,助教
[1] Songya Ma, Niannian Wang, Hierarchical remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qubit state with multiparty, Quantum Information Processing 20 (2021), 276.
[2] Mengyao He, Songya Ma, Kunpeng Kang, A universal protocol for bidirectional controlled teleportation with network coding Communications in Theoretical Physics 73 (2021), 105104.
[3] Songya Ma, Li Gong, Deterministic bidirectional controlled remote preparation without information splitting, Quantum Information Processing 19 (2020), 255.
[4] Niannian Wang, Songya Ma, Xiang Li, Hierarchical controlled quantum communication via the chi state under noisy environment, Modern Physics Letters A 35 (2020), 2050306.
[5] Songya Ma, Cong Gao, Pei Zhang, Zhiguo Qu. Deterministic remote preparation via the Brown state, Quantum Information Processing 16 (2017), 93.
[6] Songya Ma, Weilin Chen, Zhiguo Qu, Ping Tang, Controlled remote preparation of an arbitrary four-qubit chi state via partially entangled channel, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 56 (2017), 1653-1664.
[7] Weilin Chen, Songya Ma, Zhiguo Qu, Controlled remote preparation of an arbitrary four-qubit cluster-type state, Chinese Physics B 25 (2016), 100304.
[8] Songya Ma, Cong Gao, Mingxing Luo, Efficient schemes of joint remote preparation with a passive receiver via EPR pairs, Chinese Physics B 24 (2015), 110308 .
[9] Mingxing Luo, Songya Ma, Xiubo Chen, Xiaojun wang, Hybrid quantum state joining and splitting assisted by quantum dots in one-side optical microcavities, Physics Review A 91 (2015), 042326.
[10] Mingxing Luo, Songya Ma, Xiubo Chen, Xiaojun Wang, Hybrid Toffoli gate on photons and quantum spins, Scientific Reports 5 (2015), 16716.
[11] Mingxing Luo, Songya Ma, Yun Deng, Xiaojun Wang, Deterministic generations of quantum state with no more than six qubits, Quantum Information Processing 14 (2015), 901-920.
[12] Songya Ma, Mingxing Luo, Xiubo Chen, Yixian Yang, Schemes for remotely preparing an arbitrary four-qubit chi-state, Quantum Information Processing 13 (2014), 1951-1965.
[13] Songya Ma, Mingxing Luo, Efficient remote preparation of arbitrary two- and three- qubit states via the chi-state, Chinese Physics B 23 (2014), 090308.
[14] Songya Ma, Mingxing Luo, Sun Ying, Deterministic assisted clone of an unknown four-particle entangled cluster-type state, Chinese Physics B 22 (2013), 110304.
[15] Songya Ma, Ping Tang, Mingxing Luo, Schemes for remotely preparing Brown-type entangled state, International Journal of Quantum Information 11 (2013), 1350042.
[16] Xiubo Chen, Songya Ma, Yuan Su, Ru Zhang, Yixian Yang, Controlled remote state preparation of arbitrary two- and three-qubit states via the Brown state. Quantum Information Processing 11 (2012), 1653-1667.
[17] Songya Ma, Xiubo Chen, Mingxing Luo, Ru Zhang, Yixian Yang, Remote preparation of a four-particle entangled cluster-type state, Optics Communications 284 (2011), 4088-4093.
[18] Songya Ma, Xiubo Chen, Mingxing Luo, Xinxin Niu, Yixian Yang, Probabilistic quantum network coding of M-qudit states over the butterfly network, Optics Communications 283 (2010), 497-501.
[19] Songya Ma, Xiubo Chen, Mingxing Luo, Xinxin Niu, Yixian Yang, Faithful clone of an unknown two-particle entangled state with assistance, International Journal of Quantum Information 8 (2010), 913-921.
1. 基于可扩展量子纠缠网络的设备无关量子信息安全模型研究 (No.62172341), 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2022/01-2025/12, 59万元, 在研, 第一参与人;
2. 全同态加密及其在区块链中的应用 (No.21A413003), 河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划, 2021/01-2022/12, 3万元, 在研, 第一参与人;
3. 量子电子合同签署理论及其应用研究 (No.61572246), 国家自然科学基金面上项目,
2016/01-2019/12, 63万元, 已结项, 第一参与人;
4. 量子网络编码算法研究 (No. yqpy20140047), 河南大学基本科研业务费科研专项优青培
育项目, 2014/04-2019/04, 25万元, 已结项, 主持;
5. 量子网络编码算法研究 (No. 61201253), 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 2013/01-
2015/12, 22万元, 已结项, 主持;
6. 量子远程制备协议研究 (No. 12A120003), 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目, 2012/04- 2013/12, 2万元, 已结项, 主持.
1. 2021年 河南省教育厅科技成果奖优秀科技论文奖二等奖
2. 2020年 河南省教育厅科技成果奖优秀科技论文奖一等奖(两项)
3. 2020年 河南大学高等教育教学成果奖一等奖 (排名第二)
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5. 2018年 河南省第四届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
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8. 2013年 河南省第二届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖